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“For GF Hoteles, sustainability is a long-distance race where the key is not to arrive first but to keep a steady pace”.

Economic, social and environmental sustainability are the three pillars of sustainable development.

For GF Hoteles, the common link between these three pillars is people.


Our commitment to make the environment one of the basic pillars of our daily management requires greater planning efforts. For this reason, we have decided to compile these efforts in a single document, our Strategic Sustainability Plan 2018-2020. This Plan lays out the major objectives that we intend to achieve through short-term actions and strategies.

Our aim is to enhance brand value by finding a balance between human activity and the resources used in GF Hoteles, maintaining and improving the quality of our services.


  • 100% reduction of single-use plastics by 2020
  • 100% use of renewable energy
  • Reduction of carbon footprint by 10%
  • Reduction of water consumption by 17%
  • Reduction of energy consumption by 1.7%
  • Paper optimization in offices
  • Reduction of chemical substances by 10%
  • Improving the quality of work of the team of professionals
  • Including sustainability criteria in our hiring policy